
A class that animates a canvas with parameterized time evolution, interactivity, and recording.


new CanvasAnimater(canvas_id)

Creates a new instance of the CanvasAnimater class to animate a new or existing canvas element which has HTML 'id' attribute 'canvas_id'. If 'canvas_id' does not correspond to any canvas element already present in the DOM, a new canvas element is created. 'canvas_id' can be undefined, but can not be an empty string.
Name Type Description
canvas_id string canvas element's HTML 'id' attribute


Properties of the CanvasAnimater class correspond to various settings and parameters described below. Most settings can also be accessed and configured through different methods of CanvasAnimater.

Canvas Settings

Name Type Default Description
width number 300 horizontal width of canvas in pixels
height number 150 vertical height of canvas in pixels
context object undefined '2D' canvas rendering context
center_canvas boolean false centers the canvas in the window
flex_canvas boolean false dynamically resizes the canvas to fill the entire window
draw function undefined user defined function that is called every frame, with one optional time parameter corresponding to animation's relative time evolution

Animation Settings

Name Type Default Description
start_animation boolean true starts animation evolution when animate() is called
loop_animation boolean false loops the animation over the animation evolution time range
t_start number 0 start time of animation interval
t_end number undefined end time of animation interval
fps number 50 number of frames-per-second
animation_mode string 'rate' the animation mode to be used: 'rate', 'frames' 'time'
animation_rate number 0.01 amount of time incremented each frame of animation
animation_frames number undefined how many total frames the animation will evolve
animation_time number undefined absolute time of animation evolution

Interaction Settings

Name Type Default Description
interaction function { } user specified function that is called every frame when interaction is enabled
interaction_enabled boolean false enables interaction on the canvas if true
interaction_modes string | Array.<string> undefined valid interaction modes are 'mousedownmove', 'mousehovermove', 'touchmove', 'scroll'. Input parameter must be a single string, or an array of valid interaction modes
interaction_origin Array.<number> [0, 0] array of two numbers specifying the horizontal/vertical components of the interaction origin point
scroll_width number 2000 size of horizontal scroll in pixels
scroll_height number 2000 size of vertical scroll in pixels
mouseX number undefined horizontal x-coordinate in pixels
mouseY number undefined vertical y-component in pixels
mouseX1 number undefined horizontal x-component in unit normalized range
mouseY1 number undefined vertical y-component in unit normalized range
scrollX number undefined horizontal x-component of scroll range in pixels
scrollY number undefined vertical y-component of scroll range in pixels
scrollX1 number undefined horizontal x-component of scroll range in unit normalized range
scrollY1 number undefined vertical y-component of scroll range in unit normalized range
pressedMouse boolean false true when mouse is pressed down
pressedTouch boolean false true when touch is pressed down
pressed boolean false true when mouse or touch is pressed down

Recording Settings

Name Type Default Description
record_enabled boolean false enables recording if true
record_max_frames number undefined number of maximum recorded frames
record_loops number 1 number of animation loops to record if 'loop_animation' is true
pre_loop boolean false allows one full animation loop to complete before recording starts if true
filename string 'frame_' name prefix given to recorded frames, where each frame's name is indexed as 'filename_{frame_number}'

Dwitter Settings

Name Type Default Description
dwitter_mode boolean false creates a namespace to interpret code conventions using short function definitions from Dwitter if true
dwitter_res boolean false sets the canvas dimensions to 1920x1080 as used on Dwitter if true
dwitter_scale boolean false rescales the canvas to user specified dimensions if true
dwitter_code string undefined Dwitter code as a string literal



Configures and starts the animation
Name Type Description
settings_object object an object of CanvasAnimater settings.


Centers the canvas in the window.
Name Type Default Description
center_canvas boolean true canvas is centered if true

dwitterMode(dwitter_mode, dwitter_scale, dwitter_res)

Creates a namespace to interpret code conventions using short function definitions from
Name Type Default Description
dwitter_mode boolean true enables Dwitter mode if true
dwitter_scale boolean false rescales the canvas to user specified dimensions by transforming the canvas context.
dwitter_res boolean false sets the canvas dimensions to 1920x1080 as used on Dwitter if true

evolve(t_start, t_end)

Sets a time interval through which the animation will evolve.
Name Type Description
t_start number start time of animation interval
t_end number end time of animation interval


Dynamically resizes the width and height of the canvas to fill the entire window.
Name Type Default Description
flex_canvas boolean true canvas is flexed if true


Sets how many frame-per-second the animation is rendered at.
Name Type Description
fps number number of frames-per-second

interact(interaction_modes, interaction_enabled)

Specifies which interaction modes are enabled for the canvas.
Name Type Default Description
interaction_modes string | Array.<string> input parameter must be a single string, or an array of valid interaction modes: 'mousedownmove', 'mousehovermove', 'touchmove', 'scroll'.
interaction_enabled bollean true enables interaction on the canvas if true

interactionOrigin(x0, y0)

Sets the relative coordinates for the origin point for which various interaction parameters are defined.
Name Type Default Description
x0 number 0 horixontal x-component of the origin point
y0 number 0 vertical y-component of the origin point


Loops the animation over the animation evolution time interval.
Name Type Default Description
loop_animation boolean true animation is looped if true

mode(animation_mode, p0, p1)

Sets which animation mode should be used. Possible types are 'rate', ' frames', 'time'. Additional optional parameters set values to various settings depending on which animation mode is used. 'animation_rate' is the amount of time incremented each frame of animation. 'animation_frames' is how many total frames the animation will evolve. 'animation_time' is the absolute time of animation evolution.
Name Type Description
animation_mode string valid strings are 'rate', 'frames', 'time'
p0 number If animation_mode='rate', then p0= 'animation_rate'. If animation_mode='frames', then p0= 'animation_frames'. If animation_mode='time', then p0= 'animation_time'.
p1 number If animation_mode='rate', then p1=undefined. If animation_mode='frames', then p1= 'animation_rate'. If animation_mode='time', then p0= 'animation_rate'.


Prints an object of configured animation settings to the console.

record(record_enabled, filename, record_loops, pre_loop)

Enables recording of the canvas by saving individual frames of the animation.
Name Type Default Description
record_enabled boolean true enables recording if true
filename string frame_ name prefix given to recorded frames, where each frame's name is indexed as 'filename_{frame_number}'
record_loops number 1 number of animation loops to record
pre_loop boolean false allows one full animation loop to complete before recording starts if true


Sets a maximum limit to the number of frames to record.
Name Type Description
record_max_frames number number of maximum recording frames

scrollSize(width, height)

Sets the width (horizontal) and height(vertical) components of a canvas wrapper to enable scrolling parameters for canvas interaction when 'scroll' interaction is enabled.
Name Type Default Description
width number 2000 size of horizontal scroll in pixels
height number 2000 size of vertical scroll in pixels


Configures animation settings with an object containing any number of defined CanvasAnimater settings.
Name Type Description
settings_object object object with key/value pairs of CanvasAnimater settings

size(width, height)

Sets the width and height dimensions of the canvas.
Name Type Description
width number horizontal width of the canvas in pixels.
height number vertical height of the canvas in pixels.